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Exiles to a Foreign Land: The Hong Kong Chinese in America
by Jeffrey Tam

     Welcome to my project web site for Comp. Lit 168! The main component of the project is a research paper which explores the emigration patterns of Hong Kong Chinese to the United States. As a Hong Kong Chinese immigrant myself, this topic hits particularly close to home for me. Click on the menu items on the left to see what I've created. Happy surfing!

The sections of this web site:
Paper- contains the research paper, the introduction, and works cited.
Photo Gallery- a gallery of photos relevant to the topic of Hong Kong Chinese immigrating to America.
Project Reflection- an article I've written specifically for this project which goes further on how the project topic is related to historical circumstance.
Thoughts on Eric Liu- an impromptu critique on Eric Liu's justification of himself.
Past Writings- stuff I've written in the past that is relevant to this project.
Useful Links- Hyperlinks on interesting web sites pertaining to this topic.
Contact Me- email me at tamj@stanford.edu if you have any questions.